How Do We End Up Where We Are?

How do we end up where we are?

Life is a highway filled with twists and turns and forks in the road, and which one we choose can change everything…

What makes us choose to go left instead of right, to accept something passively as fate or to fight, to stand our ground, or to run? Is it fear? Is it hope? Is it a dream that this one decision might finally help us find the road to happiness? Are we acting on instinct, some deeply rooted seed planted lifetimes ago when an event that we can no longer recall thrilled us or traumatized us? Are we simply trying to please those we see around us now as judges? Does life come down to dumb luck and good intentions?

Or, is it true what some say: Everything that happens does so for a reason, even if we don’t recognize it as such. What if every event, every action, every choice was a link of a chain, happening purposefully so as to link up with the next, and the next, and the next? What if every mistake, every seemingly wrong turn was meant to be?

But, predestination leaves no room for free will, for human error, for humanity. Unless, perhaps, the real lesson, the real goal, is not creating the link we want to create but respecting the beauty of the chain in its entirety.

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